Night One
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The Definition of "Sound Asleep"
For the past two nights Bryce has fallen asleep in bed with Jack. After their tubby, we read the boys books and put them to bed. Bryce keeps falling asleep during story time.
Night One
Night Two
Night One
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
April & Fox
My friend April came to Seattle for a three day tour. She brought along her adorable, three month old baby, Fox. We packed a lot into 2 days of sight seeing. We went to U Village and had a great Sushi lunch. We went to Pike's Place Market and West Seattle's Alki Beach. Fox is such a GREAT baby and we loved having them visit!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Growing Up & Getting Observant
For the first time ever Jack expressed interest in clothing. We were in Fred Meyer (like a Target for you all in CA) and Jack came up to me with a pair of pants and asked me if he could get them. The price was right, $5.70 so now he is the proud owner of "camo pants." According to Jack the other boys at school have them too. I have mixed feelings because he is getting interested in what other kids are doing, but I also want him to resist conforming. Marty has camo jammies though, so maybe that is the big draw? Jack talks a lot about what Daddy does.
Here is an example: Jack was eating yogurt today he was holding the yogurt with one hand and using the spoon with the other. He said, "I am eating my yogurt like Daddy, he always holds the yogurt." Then he said, "I can also walk around and brush my teeth, like Daddy." Marty does do these things. He can't seem to stay in the bathroom with his tooth brush and he eats lots of yogurt and never places the carton on the table, he holds it, like Jack pointed out.

Sunday, February 08, 2009
Movie Time
Per the request of Grandma we are posting new videos. She did not care for the video we had on Bryce's 5 month post. The first is of Bryce doing "tummy time," the second is Jack and Bryce playing together.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
5 Months Old

Bryce is 5 months old. The poor guys has been really sick for the last week. He is getting a bit better. As a result he's been pretty sleepy and not up for much play. Bryce hates tummy time- especially when he is sick, but even when he was healthy. When we put him on his tummy he buries his face in the ground and screams. Bryce can roll over, but refuses! He just cries until either I pick him up, or sometimes Jack feels so sorry for Bryce he rolls him on to his back. I tried explaining that Bryce needs to be on his tummy, but Jack says, "But, he doesn't like it mommy." Bryce does enjoy sitting up though and will play with his things in a upright- seated position.

Bryce loves Jack. He watches everything Jack does. In the tub Bryce get so excited because he can see Jack he kicks like crazy. Jack is also so sweet and often reads to Bryce. One morning Bryce was in the swing and Jack had pulled up his little chair, a stack of books, and was reading (Jack can't actually read yet, but has memorized just about every book we own) to Bryce. In the video below Jack is entertaining Bryce.

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