Friday, January 23, 2009

Big Boy

So there is no question Bryce is chubby. We found out at his 4 month check up he is 18 and a half pounds. The doctor said we had to move him in to the next size car seat, which was fine with us, he was too heavy to carry in the other seat anyway. I guess all the food, makes for a happy baby. He is so sweet. The best part is we can lay him in a crib fully away and he falls to sleep on his own. I had heard this could happen, but with Jack I thought "self soothing" was an evil myth spread by vengeful, unhappy moms. Bryce has proven to us self soothing exists and he does it for all naps and at night. He still wakes up to eat at night- what a surprise, got to keep that figure just so!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bryce's Obsession

Each of our boys has had a unique habit developed at a few months that seems to stick with them. For Jackson, it was stroking and pulling his hair. It started whenever he would be taking a bottle as a baby. Today he still does it if he is tired, bored, or nervous.

Bryce so far seems to be developing a habit of covering up his face. Anything we give him in the crib or chair gets pulled onto and over his face. If you want to play peek-a-boo, he smiles and laughs when you cover his face up, not when you reveal yourself to him. See this video for an example of how he loves to cover himself up. At first he seems like he is getting smothered but when you uncover him he just wants to pull it back over his face.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Bryce is 4 Months Old

Our little baby is 4 months old now, and he is not so little any more. He is a huge guy! He is also a happy guy. He is really starting to play, and when he is excited he kicks and squeals with joy. In the last week Bryce has began to just started to enjoy his exersaucer, and still loves his mobile, swing, and play yard. He also loves to snuggle and wishes we would just give up and let him sleep in our bed. His other love is milk. He has an amazing appetite for milk, but no interest in solid foods. We tried a bit of rice cereal (2 times now) and he wanted no part. We thought it might help him sleep through the night, if he at some solids, but apparently he doesn't want to. He seems to enjoy his night-time feedings and the possibility that we will let him sleep with us. Some times we do give in, but most of the time he sleeps in his Pack n' Play next to our bed. Bryce and Jack are still on good terms, once Bryce wants Jacks toys it might be a different story, but for now Jack says, "I love my Brycie" and Bryce enjoys watching Jack play. At night they take a bath together. Jack in the tub and Bryce in the plastic tub which is inside the tub so I can bathe them at the same time. They are so cute at tubby time, they make eachother laugh. It is so fun watching them interact!

Snuggling with Daddy

Finally, this month Bryce got his first hair cut. We used our clippers. I think it turned out pretty good. Bryce didn't seem to mind a bit.


AFTER- all worn out!

Bryce Meets Mia

Our friends Jason & Sarah had their first baby in November. We were out of town for the holidays, so we were excited to finally meet Mia. Mia is so cute and such a sweetie! Sarah had to run errands, so Jason was in charge for the day. Jason did a great job! He had Mia in the Mobie wrap while he was bouncing her on an exercise ball. I really wanted to take a picture, but he wouldn't let me. The reason this amazed me so is because I have been friends with Jason since Jr. high school. Back then who could have imagined us this way?! It will be fun to watch our babies grow up together!