Saturday, September 06, 2008

Welcome Bryce Michael Dillard!

We were thrilled to welcome Bryce into our family at 5:54 PM on September 5. He weighed in at 8 pounds and 13 ounces and measured almost 21 inches. He was perfectly healthy and has been eating and sleeping comfortably since yesterday.

Sarah is doing great. Everything went really smooth and we are hoping to take Bryce home early this evening. Jackson is coming to meet his new brother this afternoon.

Just look at all of that hair!!!

More photos can be found here:


Casey or Chris said...

Yay!!! He's finally here! Welcome little Bryce!! Congratulations you guys - that is awesome!! Can't wait to hold him. Love, Casey and Chris and Louisa, too

~april said...

congratulations! i am so so glad that things went smoothly for you, sar! can't wait to meet little brycie!

Kirk and Abbey said...

Congratulations!! Little Bryce is such a cutie! Can't wait to meet him.