Friday, February 25, 2011

Jack's Art

When we brought Victoria home from the hospital Jack had a series of pictures hanging from the fire place to welcome us home!

The first picture reads "Welcome baby sister. I am a good brother. I hope you like my picture. Love baby sister." The art has snow falling because Tori was born on a snowy day. Then he drew a picture of each of us.

This picture is of us in the hospital room. He really got the details down. Jack, Bryce & Tori are sitting on the bed Marty and I are standing on each side, and the little bed behind me is the clear hospital bassinet in the room.

This photo is our hospital room. We are on one of the floors. Jack is playing with the hospital bed, working the controls at the end of the bed.

This is Bryce's picture. It was hanging in the grouping along with Jack's pictures.


Casey or Chris said...

These are priceless! The side-view of the hospital with the cars down below is extremely creative!

Suzanne Royal Jumper said...

I was amazed when Jackie drew the 2nd picture. He labeled Mom, Dad & Bryce without asking how to spell the words.
Such a wonderful big brother and delightful little guy

Ann said...

What a sweet and heart felt welcome home. Nicely done Jack & Bryce!

Now let's practice getting Mom flowers too... ;)