Bryce turned 10 months old while we were in California. He developed many of new skills while we were traveling. He learned how to pull himself up to standing, he can stand unassisted, and he crawls really fast. Bryce says "Mama," "Dada," and "fan." He loves fans and looks up when we go into new rooms. If he sees a fan he gets really excited and says "f-f, f-f" which is Brycie for fan.
Bryce's personality is really developing. He is really a mommy's boy. He is shy with new people and strangers. The funny thing is he is really tough with other kids and his brother. When we took him to the train museum he held his little place and even gave a few kids the stiff arm.
Bryce LOVES lots of thing but here are his favorite things now: 1. water and swimming. Since it was so warm in California we spent a good amount of time in the water.
2. His elephant and pacifier. When he sees his little elephant he gets excited and bites him. 3. Music and dancing. When ever he hears music he starts to dance. We have some good videos we need to upload!