Marty has a new hand-held GPS he wanted to try out. We took Jack, Brandy & Darrick on their first "Geo-cashing hunt." The way geo-cashing works is a person logs on to www.geocashing.com web site and searches for a geo-cash in the area they are hiking (most trails you visit have a cash). The site gives the GSP coordinates for the cash, you store the coordinates in the GPS, and you are ready to hunt.
We had to search a bit for this geo-cash. It was really well hidden. Brandy endured several mosquito, bites, Tucker splashed everyone after his swim in the near-by pond, and Jack was not too interested in keeping up with the group. In the end: Jack found a miniature red fire truck in the cash (we call a "treasure chest") so he was pretty happy, Marty loved using his new GPS, and were not sure if Brandy & Darrick really liked our treasure hunt, or if they were too nice to tell us their first outing in Seattle was a bust.
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