Monday, March 19, 2007

Jack Gets a Cast

Jack had his first hospital visit (since his birth). Sarah and Jack were going down a slide. Jack's foot flew out the the right, & his trip down the tall, slick, slide went very wrong! After 2 doctors visits and 2 trips to Children's Hospital, an orthepedic specialist discovered 2 bones in Jack's right foot were fractured. He was put in a cast and will wear it for the next three weeks.

Jackson has been very resilient. He has gone back to crawling for the most part. However, he can stand and balance very well. We expect once the cast is off he'll be back to running, dancing, and climbing immediately.

To make the best of Jackson's time on the ground, we went to the Center City Toy Library and checked out a Thomas the Train set. He loves the trains, and it is the perfect activity for him to do while he heals.

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