Our friends April & Matt visited us for the week. We spent a lot of time at local monuments, historic sites, and restaurants. None of the tour companies were open for the season yet, so Sarah served as tour guide. She drove Matt & April around the Art Mesuem, City Hall, the Liberty Bell, and through Philly neighborhoods.

In the Italian District, where we stopped to get Matt an authentic Philly Cheese Steak, we had a Sopranos moment. This huge guy, with tattoos, and a handle bar moustache came into the little restraurant where Sarah and Jack were getting a snack. He presented the owner with this “trash bill.” It was so sketchy. It was not a city bill. It was from a private company. The bill was on a piece of yellow copy paper, and looked really low end. The owners seemed really nervous. He said, “I’ll be back next week for the money.” Then he left. Good times in Philly!

"Was that the mafia I just saw?"