We took the kids on their first trip in the Santa Train. The train leaves the station in North Bend, and takes travelers a few miles down the track to meet Santa, have cookies & hot coco, and then return to North Bend for a fun filled outing! Bryce was terrified of Santa, but was some how tricked into sitting on Santa's lap for a quick and blurry shot.

The night before at the McKinsey holiday party Jack was a huge Santa fan, sitting on his lap, cheering for him, and chatting it up. Jack wasn't keen on sitting on his lap, but had no problem asking for a remote controlled digger. Jack reluctantly sat on Santa's lap for a blurry family picture.

The Sharma's enjoyed the trip so much last year that they invited us along for the fun this year.

Cookies, hot coco, and train table fun

Grandma was delighted to come along for all of the fun

A short but sweet ride on the train