Like all little kids, 4 year old Jack was up early and raring to go on Christmas morning. "Santa" left a new Lightning McQueen bike (more posts to follow as we take on a "big boy bike"). The adults, Grandma, Uncle Tom, Mommy and Daddy eventually got going, and joined in the Christmas spirit.
"Come on can we open gifts?"
The funniest thing is that the Dillard family got my mom (Grandma) the EXACT same gift as my brother got her. We each got her a Snuggie and a matching dog Snuggie for Rocket, and a new 2010 calendar. The good news is Rocket loves his doggy Snuggie and my mom loves her's too.
Marty was thrilled that he finally got a back scratcher- thanks Tom!
Bryce's Christmas gift (a shopping cart) never arrived, so Jack kept asking what Santa got Bryce and we kept distracting him. Under the tree for Bryce was a small ambulance & book from Grandma, and a police car from Uncle Tom, but nothing from Santa. We didn't want Jack to think Bryce had been bad or something, luckily Jack was so into his presents (too many if you ask me) & Bryce got so much from family and friends that we realized the shopping cart was unnecessary anyway. Bryce loved his little gifts. Look at his face: he's making driving sounds!
I loved my rain boots, but they don't fit right so I am in search for another kind, any suggestions?
After gifts Sarah & Tom made another excellent Christmas morning brunch.
Uncle Roger joined us for breakfast and brought the boys presents. Jack loved his first-ever remote controlled car! Bryce wasn't sure what to make of the lion cub that roared and purred.