Marty’s employer McKinsey hosted a weekend in Whistler, BC Jack and Sarah planned to skip the trip. Jack seemed too little to ski and Sarah is pregnant and probably shouldn’t be skiing. At the last minute we figured, why not? Let’s take our 2 year old son on a 6 hour bus trip with 45 other employees and see how it goes…
Jack was great on the bus trip. He slept a bit, read books, Played with toy cars, listened to music, and watched the movie “Cars” that played on the bus TV system. Once we got to Whistler, Jack loved wearing his new snow suite & boots, and he was thrilled when we rented him skis.
Jack couldn’t really stand up on the skis with out adult help, but he loved it when we had him between our legs and he was “skiing.” He only spent about 20 minutes on the skis, but he had a good experience and we loved seeing him in the tiny skis!
On Sunday Marty and Jack went tubing. Sarah was terrified when she saw Jack coming down the mountain alone! Even though Sarah took video, what she really wanted to do was run up the mountain and “rescue” Jack. Jack absolutely loved it!
Just tall enough to go. Really? The hat and the boots made him taller. I don’t think Jack is quite 36 inches tall yet.