Jackson is 7 months old and seems to grow by the minute! He has gotten so big!
He has learned all sorts of new skills this month. Some of them are useful, others amusing, but all he does amazes us! Jackson has been repeating sounds and noises for a while. His latest favorite sounds and noises are sticking out his tongue and blowing making a “trrrp” sound, and clicking his tongue, which sounds like an old wall clock keeping time. He say “hi” (we’re still not sure it is really hi or if it is just another noise) and likes to yell “haaaa.”
Jackson can scoot on his stomach and pull himself around. It is not graceful, but gets him to his destination. He desperately wants to walk and always reaches for an adult to hold him in an up-right walking position.
This month Jackson’s most favorite thing is the walker at his Grandma’s house. Sarah and Marty were worried about a walker- thinking them dangerous. Well the walker is not dangerous, but Jackson in the walker is a problem. The little guy doesn’t walk in it he RUNS! Crashing into walls, book shelves, and most of all Tucker (our dog)!