Before we left the East Coast for the summer we had to participate in a Philadelphia tradition and head to the Jersey Shore. Our trip to The Shore was short, but it was fun to get out in the sun, put our feet in the Alantic Ocean, and visit some historic sites. Our first stop was Alantic City. We did not do any gambling, but we enjoyed walking along the Board Walk. Sarah was thrilled when we passed many of the streets from Monopoly. For some reason she just had to get a photo of Baltic Avenue (which she always bought).

After we visited Alantic City we headed to Cape May. Cape May is a sweet little town that caters to a mostly summer crowd. Many people rent homes in Cape May. Tucker was excited to get out in the ocean and take a dip at Sunset Beach, Jackson took a little nap on the beach, and we all relaxed and enjoyed our little trip.

To see more pictures of our outing click on the following link: